Monday 26 October 2009

Typeface designed for Paul - Group Evaluation

Evaluation from Amy Leigh
The word Foresight has been investigated really well and shows a lot of development
The visual development is intricate and has had time taken over it

Not all of the words have been investigated ( refers to the 4 key words)
One path chosen could have explored different techniques
No experimentation with colour

Could experiment with colour

Evaluation From Mathew Khan
Good body of research and visual research
easy to see the choice of his idea and why leading into his development of the final piece
strong final outcome

Not investigated all of the key words
Gone straight down one path from an initial idea and hasn't explored other ideas

Explore a few other ideas and possibilities of final outcomes

AlphabetSoup - Typeface Design For Paul

Which Personality traits did you choose to respond to and apply to the typeface?
I responded to his fantasy superpower 'Foresight' and his taste in energetic and experimental music.

What are the reasons behind the design decisions you have made for the typeface?
I chose to go with the decisions i made through research into Horoscopes, Zodiac signs and "reading the future through star gazing" philosophy concept I though it was a fitting link because it involves both foresight and energetic.

In what ways are the results effective?
The typeface portrays constellations and represents 'energy', 'adventure' and foresight whilst the technique itself is 'experimental' so answers all the key words i set out to design.

What personality traits do you interpret from the typeface designed to represent you?
My humor, laughter, my dialect and my favorite colour

Describe what you think of the typeface.
The colours are electric and very energetic, it is well constructed and visually exciting.

In what ways is it effective, and in what way is it ineffective of representing you?
It's effective as its legible and visually represents my traits but is a little overpowering and too crowded.

Edit - Evaluation from Karl Mead

What is being communicated and how?
Edit, through the use of line and type structure, showing how a letterform from a specific typeface has been changed into another.

How well does this answer the brief?
I think the design answers the brief well, the use of recognisable way of editing something has communicated the word well and visually shows as the brief asked how the typeface was edited.

How well has the idea been visually explored?
There is evidence throughout the folder of the development of the designs each page is methodical showing a variety of versions of the chosen idea.

What Are the strengths of the revolution?
I feel the strengths of the final revolutions come from the use of hand drawn pen and pencil marks, the quality of the lines help communicate editing. Even those that are quite rough and drawn without a ruler help visually show quick editing which relates back to the word.

How could it be improved?
I think experimentation with either collage or computers may have given the final pieces a more finished fell, some of the designs looked unfinished (possibly down to the idea) however i feel more experimenting with different media may have given each design a more unique look and still work in a set, series or sequence.

General Comments...
I like the final pieces, their are a few that look more completed than others, but i really like the recognisable way of communicating the word and the use of subtle colour helps with the designs too.

Sunday 25 October 2009

10 things i want to achieve

In no particular order:

1: Better time management
2: To use photoshop and Illustrator at a higher level that I'm at now
3: An improvement in my drawing skills
4: A more intelligent thinking process to creating ideas and concepts
5: Work better in collaboration projects
6: Explore Printing making and textile printing
7: Have a more confident style
8: Use typography in illustration and design more intelligently
9: More inspirational research methods
10: Have fun and enjoy every minute of my Degree